Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Chacun Son Bonheur Essays - Bobche, Princess Franoise Of Orlans
Chacun Son Bonheur Essays - Bobche, Princess Franoise Of Orlans Chacun Son Bonheur Dans le roman Bonheur d' occasion, Gabrielle Roy utilise les motions et les actions des hommes pour dmontrer leurs traits individuels pour enfin comprendre compltement leur situation. Leur dtermination et leur persistance de trouver une solution leur misre les poussent surmonter leurs obstacles. tant donn, que c'est le dbut de la deuxime guerre mondiale, les gens vivent pour survivre, quelques-uns plus que d'autre. Chacun sa propre faon de s'adapter la dpression conomique. Azarius Lacasse retrouve sa joie dans le rve, tandis qu'Emmanuel retrouve le bonheur dans l'action; le personnage de Jean Lvesque retrouve son bonheur dans l'ascension. Ds le dbut du roman le personnage d'Azarius fait ressortir ses dfauts et ses qualits. Roy permet au lecteur de voir Azarius faire la transition d'un homme lche un homme, un pre, un mari plus responsable et efficace. Avant son volution Azarius subit plusieurs changements d'attitude et de valeurs. Il se rend compte un jour que sa famille vit dans la misre et que pendant qu'il rvait, il n'a pas rempli ses responsabilits de pre de famille. Pour Azarius maintenir un emploi tait l'obstacle le plus difficile depuis le dbut de la guerre. Il n'y avait pas d'emploi disponible dans son mtier de menuiserie, alors il a d travailler dans diffrents postes. Malheureusement, il n'a jamais aim son travail et finissait toujours par quitter son job. Lorsqu'il a laiss son emploi comme chauffeur de taxi, Rose-Anna lui rappelle qu'[il a pass] quasiment toute [sa] vie jongler. Et au bout de toutes [les] jongleries, [il a] jamais t plus avanc. la fin du roman, Azarius ralise par lui-mme qu'il a t la cause de toutes les annes de misre, de dmnagement, de manque de nourriture et de la lutte constante pour survivre. Pour prendre sa responsabilit, il dcide que la meilleure faon de rgler sa misre et la misre de sa famille est de s'enrler dans l'arme. De cette faon, il sait que sa famille aura de l'argent et que Rose-Anne sera bien dbarrass de lui. Pour lui et sa famille, ce sera un nouveau commencement. mmanuel Ltourneau, un jeune homme nergtique et enthousiaste, lutte pour des aventures remplies d'action. Bien qu'mmanuel possde un bon emploi plein temps, une vie remplie de toutes les ncessits et de l'argent, il n'arrte pas de chercher qui le mneront au bonheur. Puisque c'est le dbut de la guerre et la publicit est partout, mmanuel se refugie dans l'arme pour sa rponse. La tentation qui grandit l'intrieur du jeune soldat envahit ses penses et ses motions. D'aprs Emmanuel c'est sa dernire chance de redevenir un homme. mmanuel n'a pas beaucoup d'estime de soi et a souvent besoin d'encouragement; pourtant cela ne l'empche pas de faire ce qu'il veut dans la vie. Sa persistance d'avoir Florentine comme son amie de fille le pousse agir plus spontanment. Il a un trou dans le coeur et Florentine remplit ce vide pour lui. Pour amliorer la vie de Florentine et la sienne, il dcide de se marier Florentine avant son dpart pour le front. Durant une priode de quelques mois, Emmanuel a accompli plu sieurs de ses objectifs. Il a peut-tre t seulement chanceux ou plutt, sa nouvelle attitude face la vie lui a permi d'explorer ses options et de prendre avantage avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Il est maintenant un homme complet. Il prend contrle de sa vie pour enfin tre capable de dire lui-mme qu'il est gaiement satisfait de ses dcisions et de son nouveau dbut avec Florentine. Jean Lvesque est un bel homme jeune et sophistiqu. Quoiqu'il lutte pour la perfection, il fait de nombreux sacrifices pour s'assurer une bonne vie et un futur trs prospre. Il entrevit la guerre comme une chance vraiment personnelle, sa chance lui d'une ascension rapide. Une fois qu'il a rencontr la jeune serveuse Florentine Lacasse, elle est devenu une distraction ses penses et un obstacle dans son chemin. Il y avait quelque chose d'elle qui le rendait fous. Sachant qu'elle venait d'une famille pauvre, Jean tente de s'loigner d'elle. La soire qu'ils ont partage ensemble, il l'a regrette ds le dbut, car la jeune demoiselle lui rappelait son pass. Pendant qu'il tait chez elle, assis sur son sofa, respirant l'odeur de la pauvret, les
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Major General Henry Heth - American Civil War
Major General Henry Heth - American Civil War Henry Heth - Early Life Career: Born December 16, 1825 at Black Heath, VA, Henry Heth (pronounced heeth) was the son of John and Margaret Heth.à The grandson of a veteran of the American Revolution and son of a naval officer from the War of 1812, Heth attended private schools in Virginia before seeking a military career.à Appointed to the US Military Academy in 1843, his classmates included his boyhood friend Ambrose P. Hill as well as Romeyn Ayres, John Gibbon, and Ambrose Burnside.à Proving a poor student, he matched his cousins, George Pickett, 1846 performance by graduating last in his class.à Commissioned as a brevet second lieutenant, Heth received orders to join the 1st US Infantry which was engaged in the Mexican-American War. à Arriving south of the border later that year, Heth reached his unit after large-scale operations had concluded.à After participating in a number of skirmishes, he returned north the following year.à Assigned to the frontier, Heth moved through postings atà Fort Atkinson, Fort Kearny, and Fort Laramie.à Seeing action against the Native Americans, he earned a promotion to first lieutenant in June 1853.à Two years later, Heth was promoted to captain in the newly-formed 10th US Infantry.à That September, he earned recognition for leading a key flanking attack against theà Sioux during the Battle of Ash Hollow.à In 1858, Heth penned the US Armys first manual on marksmanship entitledà A System of Target Practice. Henry Heth - The Civil War Begins:à à With the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter and beginning of the Civil War in April 1861, Virginia left the Union.à After the departure of his home state, Heth resigned his commission in the US Army and accepted a captains commission in the Virginia Provisional Army.à Quickly advanced to lieutenant colonel, he briefly served as General Robert E. Lees quartermaster general in Richmond.à A critical time for Heth, he became one of the few officers to earn Lees patronage and was the only one referred to by his first name.à Made colonel of the 45th Virginia Infantry later year, his regiment was assigned to western Virginia.à Operating in the Kanawha Valley, Heth and his men served under Brigadier General John B. Floyd.à Promoted to brigadier general on January 6, 1862, Heth led a small force entitled the Army of the New River that spring.à Engaging Union troops in May, he fought several defensive actions but was badly beaten on the 23rd when his command was routed near Lewisburg.à Despite this setback, Heths actions helped screen Major General Thomas Stonewall Jacksons campaign in the Shenandoah Valley.à Re-forming his forces, he continued to serve in the mountains until June when orders arrived for his command to join Major General Edmund Kirby Smith at Knoxville, TN. à à à à Henry Heth - Kentucky Campaign: Arriving in Tennessee, Heths brigade began moving north in August as Smith marched to support General Braxton Braggs invasion of Kentucky.à Advancing into the eastern part of the state, Smith captured Richmond and Lexington before dispatching Heth with a division to menace Cincinnati.à The campaign ended when Bragg elected to withdraw south after the Battle of Perryville.à Rather than risk being isolated and defeated by Major General Don Carlos Buell, Smith joined with Bragg for the retreat back to Tennessee.à Remaining there through the fall, Heth assumed command of the Department of East Tennessee in January 1863.à The following month, after lobbying from Lee, he received an assignment to Jacksons corps in the Army of Northern Virginia. à Henry Heth - Chancellorsville Gettysburg: Taking command of a brigade in his old friend Hills Light Division, Heth first led his men in combat early that May at the Battle of Chancellorsville.à On May 2, after Hill fell wounded, Heth assumed leadership of the division and gave a credible performance though his assaults the next day were turned back.à Following Jacksons death on May 10, Lee moved to reorganize his army into three corps.à Giving Hill command of the newly-created Third Corps, he directed that Heth lead a division comprised of two brigades from the Light Division and two recently arrived from the Carolinas.à With this assignment came a promotion to major general on May 24.à à à à Marching north in June as part of Lees invasion of Pennsylvania, Heths division was near Cashtown, PA on June 30.à Alerted to the presence of Union cavalry in Gettysburg by Brigadier General James Pettigrew, Hill ordered Heth to conduct a reconnaissance in force towards the town the following day.à Lee approved the action with the restriction that Heth was not to cause a major engagement until the entire army was concentrated at Cashtown.à Approaching the town on July 1, Heth quickly became engaged with Brigadier General John Bufords cavalry division and opened the Battle of Gettysburg.à Initially unable to dislodge, Buford, Heth committed more of his division to the fight. The scale of the battle grew as Major General John Reynolds Union I Corps arrived on the field.à As the day progressed, additional forces arrived spreading the fighting west and north of the town.à Taking heavy losses through the day, Heths division finally succeeded in pushing Union troops back to Seminary Ridge.à With support from Major General W. Dorsey Pender, a final push saw this position captured as well.à During the course of the fighting that afternoon, Heth fell wounded when a bullet struck him in the head.à Saved by a thick new hat that had been stuffed with paper to improve the fit, he was unconscious for the better part of a day and played no further role in the battle. Henry Heth - Overland Campaign: Resuming command on July 7, Heth directed the fighting at Falling Waters as the Army of Northern Virginia retreated south.à That fall, the division again took heavy losses when it attacked without proper scouting at the Battle of Bristoe Station.à After taking part in the Mine Run Campaign, Heths men went into winter quarters.à In May 1864, Lee moved to block Lieutenant General Ulysses S. Grants Overland Campaign.à Engaging the Major General Winfield S. Hancocks Union II Corps at the Battle of the Wilderness, Heth and his division fought hard until relieved by Lieutenant General James Longstreets approaching corps.à Returning to action on May 10 at the Battle of Spotsylvania Court House, Heth attacked and drove back a division led by Brigadier General Francis Barlow. After seeing further action at North Anna in late May, Heth anchored the Confederate left during the victory at Cold Harbor.à Having been checked, Grant elected to move south, cross the James River, and march against Petersburg.à Reaching that city, Heth and the rest of Lees army blocked the Union advance.à As a Grant commenced the siege of Petersburg, Heths division took part in many of the actions in the area.à Frequently occupying the extreme right of the Confederate line, he mounted unsuccessful attacks against his classmate Romeyn Ayres division at Globe Tavern in late August.à This was followed assaults at the Second Battle of Reams Station a few days later. Henry Heth - Final Actions: On October 27-28, Heth, leading Third Corps due to Hill being ill, succeeded in blocking Hancocks men at the Battle of Boydton Plank Road.à Remaining in the siege lines through the winter, his division came under assault on April 2, 1865.à Mounting a general attack against Petersburg, Grant succeeded in breaking through and forced Lee to abandon the city.à Retreating toward Sutherlands Station, the remnants of Heths division were defeated there by Major General Nelson A. Miles later in the day.à Though Lee desired to have him lead Third Corps after Hills death on April 2, Heth remained separated from the bulk of the command during the early parts of the Appomattox Campaign. Withdrawing west, Heth was with Lee and the rest of the Army of Northern Virginia when it surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 9.à In the years after the war, Heth worked in mining and later in the insurance industry.à Additionally, he served as a surveyor in the Office of Indian Affairs as well as assisted in the compilation of the US War Departmentsà Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.à Plagued by kidney disease in his later years, Heth died at Washington, DC on September 27, 1899.à His remains were returned to Virginia and interred in Richmonds Hollywood Cemetery. à à à à Selected Sources Gettysburg Generals: Henry HethCivil War Trust: Henry Heth Civil War: Henry Heth
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